Bugeye Photography, See the Ocean with Insect Eyes...

UFL-M150 ZM80
The Inon Bugeye lens is one of the most fun lens you will use for Underwater Photography.  Wide Angle Macro anyone?

Had a fun weekend playing with the Inon Micro Fisheye lens, made famous by yawning goby artist Amir Stern way back in 2012. This was my first time to use the lens and while it does not have the sharpest corners, it delivers a creative perspective which no other lens can provide....

While purists/tech geeks may mock the lens, it can be considered as a great toy, an outlet for you to create a different image versus thousands of macro pictures which look homogenous, lest we say plain in the eyes of the seasoned photographer.  Its the only lens out there which magnifies your tiny target while capturing the wide vista behind. The forced perspective has a drawback, soft fuzzy corners, which may not be magazine quality shots but are good enough for your own personal viewing consumption, a great conversation piece for photo addicts, and every image when properly executed turns out to be quite special and fresh to the eyes.
Bugeye can get decent Wide angle shots

Birthday Girl Turtle

Get Wet
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5 Komentar

thanks again Paparazsea san for using our lens,

information about lens - http://www.inon.jp/products/lens/uflm150zm80/top.html


thanks for your email Jun, I immensely enjoyed this, stay in touch Thomas


anytime, your photos are very inspiring sir, warm warm regards


great post, thanks for sharing
